Year of Jewish Action on the Environment

Canfei Nesharim is proud to launch our Year of Jewish Action on the Environment, in partnership with Jewcology!  Actions will be released approximately every two weeks through Tu b’Shevat 5774.  
Together, we can make a difference!  Following up on our Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, this year we will be focusing on actions to save energy and reduce food waste, practical actions called for by the Jewish mitzvah of bal tashchit.
The Year of Action is a project of Jewcology, in partnership with Canfei Nesharim and in coordination with the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL),  along with many other Jewish environmental organizations and initiatives, and with the support of the ROI Community.
New actions will be posted during the course of the year.  You can report your actions and see the results of our shared actions on Jewcology.
The current available actions are below.
Actions to Save Energy [view all] 

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Actions to Reduce Food Waste [view all]

Enhance Your Action

with Torah Learning

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Get preview actions several days in advance, so that you can share them with your community on our launch date.  Learn more
The Year of Jewish Action on the Environment is a partnership project organized by Canfei Nesharim and Jewcology, with support from the ROI Community, a community of young Jewish innovators founded by Lynn Schusterman.

  1. Track your food waste for a week.
  2. Save the perishables!
  3. Plan ahead!
  4. Eyes bigger than your stomach?
  5. Plan a Picnic!
  6. So Much Bread
  7. Stock Up on Ingredients
  8. When Life Gives You Leftovers
  9. Keep Food Fresh Longer
  10. Plan Ahead to Use Your Bread
  11. Rescue Aging Fruits
As part of the Year of Action, we will also periodically share high quality articles from the Jewish Energy Guide, developed by the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) in partnership with the Green Zionist Alliance. Read the press release about our collaboration with COEJL! 
From the Jewish Energy Guide [view all]
Power Sources:
D’vrei Torah:
Lights Unto the Nation: