

Purim is a wonderful time to integrate eco-friendly themes into your celebration. Whether second set 2sending gifts of food to friends, creating costumes, or preparing the festive Purim meal, there are many opportunities to conserve precious resources and share environmental education messages with your friends and neighbors.


  • Designing Eco-Friendly Mishloach Manot

    Product packaging, unwanted food, and mishloach manot containers fill the garbage the day after Purim. The following suggestions will help recall the spirit of the day while reducing the amount of waste traditionally associated with this mitzvah.
  • Ten Tips for an Environmentally-Friendly Purim

    In today’s consumer-oriented society, our Purim celebration is smothered in layers of cellophane, excessive packaging, a surplus of junk food and expensive costumes. This needless glitter is not only damaging to our pocket and our health, but to our environment as well.
  • Purim as a Model for Making a Difference

    What can the story and themes of Purim teach us about protecting our fragile planet and the myriad of creatures that live in it?
  • Ideas for Eco-Friendly Mishloach Manot

    When it comes to mishloach manot, trying to “keep up with the Greenbergs” requires wasteful quantities of cellophane, ribbon, and styrofoam.  Instead, you can create healthy, earth-friendly mishloach manot for Purim. To help you, Canfei Nesharim has developed five fun eco-friendly package ideas.